Confession, this summer has made me hit a total blogging slump. I have nothing fun to write about, even though we are busy and have been on the go nonstop since the beginning of August. I have no ambition to write, I blame the heat. But, I don’t want to just walk away from my blog. I love it, I love all of you who have stuck around, and I have put way to much work into to just leave it.
Like I said we have been busy for the last few weeks now. Which all came to a halt on Monday when Belle came down with a fever. And basically that is all she had, a fever. A fever that got up to 103 but absolutely nothing else. Belle and I spent the last two days at home. Which I didn’t mind. I was exhausted on Monday from our go go go weekend that I gladly slept cuddled on the couch all day with her. Between doses of Tylenol and never ending Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse on TV, her fever never went down on Monday. On Tuesday her fever was 101 when we got her up in the morning. So it was decided right then and there that I would be spending another day at home with her. She fell asleep on me early in the morning and woke up all sweaty with no fever. I think it finally broke then. She spent the rest of the day absolutely fine and even ate a little bit that night.
I am back at work today and miss the peanut like crazy. But it is what it is. I still have to go to work. Luckily I have a vacation day already scheduled for Friday, looks like a two day work week for me.
Along with everything else going on, we have been planning Belle’s 2nd Birthday party. Can you believe it? Two already. It feel like I was just planning her first birthday party. We of course have to go with a Minnie Mouse theme. I may have gone a little crazy with the party, and it’s a little too late to turn around. But I am excited for it. It’s going to be a great party. If only we could figure out the food part.
Also, in case any of you have forgotten….We’re going to Disney World! We are about 40 days away at this point, not sure the exact number. Six and a half weeks! We are paid in full and we have already received our Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party tickets. So while planning our vacation I am also planning Belle’s birthday party for the Saturday before we leave. Yup, 5 days before we leave. Thankfully it is not at our house.
I hope to get a Disney post up on the Disney blog sometime this week, so check for that. And I just realized it’s Wednesday already, not Monday. See what happens when you lose two days out of your week.
I have some pictures I would like to get up here as well. Not many, our memory card basically destroyed it’s self about two weeks ago and we lost everything on it. So I have a bunch of pictures from over the past weekend basically.
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