The Hubs had the computer last night (fixing my photoshop) and this morning our internet wasn't working so I was not able to upload my pictures for Wordless Wednesday. And I had some cute ones to post. So instead I am going to write about how it is June 1st. And that means that summer is seriously right around the corner.
With Memorial Day behind us we now start our nonstop go go go weekends of summer. This weekend is basically the start of Festivals here. The Hellenic festival kicks off festival season. We will be headed to Greek Fest on Saturday followed by a Margaritaville party that night. Then we have the Strawberry Festival the following weekend (not sure if we're going yet).
Then The Hubs and I have an out of town wedding. It's a Sunday wedding but since it is about six hours from here we are going to leave Saturday morning. We will stop in Hershey PA on Saturday and hit up the park or factory. Then Sunday we will drive the last half hour to the wedding. We most likely won't be home until Monday afternoon. Three days away from my girl. I am going to miss her like crazy.
The last weekend in June we have a couple things going on that we haven't completely decided on yet. Saturday is my work family picnic at a local amusement park. It's a tiny park but Belle would be the right age for most of the rides. And it is a crazy discounted price that includes food. Also we are thinking of going to Mumford or what is called now Genesee County Village. Basically it is a historic village and museum. I haven't been since I was a kid and The Hubs and I have been talking about going for years. The last weekend in June is the War of 1812 Encampment which is something The Hubs would love to go to.
Then we are into July, which the firs this is 4th of July and so on. Throw in my random vacation days I have scheduled here and there and before we know it, it will be August. Or time for our Disney trip. I am in no way wishing away summer. I just can't wait for our vacation!!!! Plus we have some big plans at the end of summer and secretly, I can't wait to get there.
So here is to the start of summer. I hope everyone stays cool, has fun, and enjoy some ice cold Margharitas!
And I finally have a new post up on Raising a Disney Princess. Check it out.
Mmmm. . . Margaritas!! I know you'll miss your daughter, but it is great to get away with your husband for the weekend! And you'll have fun at Hershey!