Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Was Totally A Senior Hottie!

Liz over at A Belle, a Bean & a Chicago Dog is hosting a blog hop this weekend where we are all posting our "Senior Hotness". It was fun going through my photo album from Senior year. It brought back so many memories and events that I had completely forgotten about. It was had to choose some pictures to best depict me from Senior year. It's only been 9 years since I graduated but it seems like forever ago. I can't believe I am posting some of these pictures like the one in all my acne glory.

The first one I picked was one of my senior photos. It's not the one from the yearbook, I have no clue where that is. My senior pictures were taken in August before the year started so I had a nice tan going on. Apparently I thought blue eyeshadow looked good one me. Anyone remember the illusion necklaces that was basically a charm on some fishing line? And what is with the glitter headband?

My group of friends did everything together. We went mignight bowling every single Saturday. I belive we there were some in our group that got kicked out of one of the local bowling alleys for drinking. Only the girl they claimed was drinking really wasn't. We went to our local amusement parks opening weekend. We had a blast that day.

I'm on the left.

I was told by older cousins not to build up prom because I would be disappointed. But honestly I had the best prom ever. We had so much fun getting dressed up and it really was a perfect night. And for more then one reason I choose not to include one of the millions of pictures of myself with my then boyfriend/date even though there were some really good pictures of me.

My parents call this my pretty in pink picture.

Our last day of school my group went out to breakfast and to a local park before heading into school. We went to a morning school to learn a trade (I did Early Childhood Education). So we skipped it and had some fun instead. It was the last day of school, what were they going to do?

Our last high school lunch.

Graduation with my bestie. Apparently before I learned about hair straightners.

High school was fun. I learned alot about myself and took all four years to find myself. Would I ever go back there? No. I wouldn't do high school over again in a million years. I made some great friends who I lost touch with but due to Facebook have reconnected with. They also proved earlier this year that we will always be friends and always be there for each other.

All in all, I was a Senior Hottie!


  1. Aww- love the photos- especially the pretty in pink! :)

  2. I love your dress! It really is pretty in pink!

  3. I love the dress as well! And 9 years, so young!

  4. You girls could have fit in with Princess Kate and Prince William in those gowns! And I totally remember the fishing line necklaces! I had a few of those. :)


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