Friday, May 27, 2011

Campfires, Cook Outs and Fun...

...It must be that start of summer!!!
As of tomorrow afternoon we will be with my family in the great outdoors. For as long as I can remember we have been going camping every Memorial Day. Naturally when The Hubs and I met he began to go camping with as well. And now that we have Belle she will learn the fun and gain the memories every Memorial Day weekend as well.
I have some of the best memories from my childhood from camping. I can't wait for Belle to make her own memories and have some of the same experiences that I have.
This year will be different and odd. We will be missing our rock, my father. He was the one that gathered us every year out there. He did all the cooking and organized all the food. Most of my memories from out there are of my father. For a while I didn't think we would be headed down there this year but within the last month my mom decided we were going. My brother is taking her camper down for her and we got together over email and planned the food. It will be different and we will miss him greatly but it's a new chapter in our lives and I think my father (and I) would be upset if we stopped going because he is no longer with us.
It has been raining like crazy here and I am positive that the grounds are going to be mud. The weather has changed and it looks like no rain for this weekend and very warm temps but we have had some severe thunderstorms the last few days. I am on the hunt for some rain boots for Belle, and packing a ton of extra clothes.
I won't be back until Tuesday so I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and that the weather is beautiful for you (and us!). Enjoy some BBQ's and the start of summer!

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