Friday, May 21, 2010

Welcome To The Jungle...

For the last 4 or 5 springs Patrick and I have dedicated many a weekend to taming the jungle that is the front flower bed. And of course by the end of summer we give up. We don't have the time and the effort to dig out weeds constantly. I am truly at a lost at what to do with this. I am not joking it is a jungle. Cue pictures....

This is the bush that will not die. We have trimmed it to where there wasn't very much left to it. We have tried digging it out. We have tried pulling it out with my dad's truck. It still lives. And Every.Single.Year it comes back with a vengeance. It's hideous and I hate it. It attracts all kinds of bugs and tons of bees. We are afraid that the roots are under the cement steps and that this bush will live forever....tormenting me each summer.

This is the jungle flower bed. The pictures aren't that great but it's bad. I have tulips that came up this year. I thought I dug them all out when we were going to redo the flower bed last spring. Then my pregnancy and hyperemesis made it impossible. When about 20 of them came up this year I learned that I had missed a ton! They at least looked really nice, and then in typical B-Lo fashion, we had a wind storm. Now there isn't anything left but green stems and leaves.
We have supplies to redo the flower bed, but honestly, I don't even know where to start. Every year we dig up these huge weeds. We dig out the roots and everything. But they keep coming back. I swear these are not your typical weeds. They are weeds on steroids. Crazy!!!!
My plan was to get working on it this weekend. Now they are calling for rain all weekend. And of course the next 3 weekends we happen to be busy. So I may start praying to Mother Nature to not rain this weekend. I may even have to do an anti rain dance.

Hopefully I can work on this and get some happy pretty pictures posted of the once Jungle.
Side note, it is worse the it probably should be because we have had no time to get outside and work on it.

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