Monday, January 17, 2011

It's -6 Degrees Out.

The bank is closed today for MLK day. Since Belle missed so many days last week and the week before we decided to take Belle to The Bug for at least a half day. Keeping her on her normal schedule. When we bundled up and got in the car it was -6*. Yup, -6*. Ugh. Is it summer yet?

This past weekend was my nephews 6th birthday party. I can not believe that he is 6 already. Time goes by so fast once you have kids in your life. I of course forgot my camera so no pictures from his party. Which would have been great ones since he is missing his two front teeth. Belle did pretty well for the party being during bed time. She actually feel asleep on me while we were there. She hasn't done that since she was itty bitty. At about 7 months old she became really nosy and would not fall asleep if we are out of her element. It was nice to have her snuggled on me and being able to visit with family. The Hubs had to work and actually beat me home on Saturday.

On Sunday The Hubs had to work again so it was just Belle and I. We had a great day. We rolled around on the floor. Pulled out all of her toys. Read books. Practiced our shapes. She is doing so well with them. Well, with circles, squares, and triangles. I want to get her one of those shape sorter block things. You know the ones we had as a kid. The kid loves putting things in stuff and taking them out. I think she would really like it and it will help her with her fine motor skills. Which she is really good with. Yeah I am bragging about my child.

A couple Friday's ago we had her 15 month appointment. She got her shots finally so we can stop getting notices from the state. Which our pedi couldn't believe we were getting since she needed 3 shots that are 12-15 month shots and the state was only concerned about one. But she is up to date and no more letters. We talked to the pedi about her talking. Since she can say dada, hi, bye, uh oh, and can sign more the pedi is not concerned. She is doing really well with her fine and gross motor skills as well so we are on track. The kid knows where her belly, nose, and hair are. Were working on eyes now. She is constantly amazing me with what she knows and how smart she is.

It's still hard every day to remember that my father is no longer here. I still have a hard time believing it. And family events like my nephew's birthday is hard with him not there. He should be here. I go back to work tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. I just don't want to go back. At all. I would love to be a stay at home mom. It would be wonderful. But we just can't afford it. It's not fesable. Plus I love that Belle goes to The Bug. She learns so much there and does wonderful with the other kids. I love that she gets that interaction every day.

Alright, and here are some pictures from yesterday of Belle. It's been a while since I put up some new pictures.

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