Today you are 6 months old. Half a year. I remember you're birth and bringing you home like it was just yesterday. Where did half of your first year go already? I can not get over the fact that you are 6 months.
You have become such a beautiful, happy little girl. You are going to be absolutly amazing when you are older. So smart. You have grown so much and learned so much in just 6 months. I want to tell you to slow down but at the same time I can not wait for what is to come.
I love you so much. You are my entire world. I can not imagine my life with out you. You make every bad day so much better. When you greet me each morning with you're beautiful smile it makes getting up so early completely worth it. When daddy and I pick you up each night after work and you again greet us with that amazing smile it makes the day so much better. When you're falling asleep each night in my arms, and before you let your self fall asleep you do two things. You stare at me with your gorgeous eyes telling me you love me and you push your hand to my mouth for one more kiss. I cherish these moments more then you will ever know, for far to soon for my liking you will not give me that smile in the morning or evening. You will not want to snuggle so close and reach for one last kiss before bed. I will always cherish and steal these little moments as much as I can.
You have become the most amazing little person. So much love and happiness. I see both myself and your father in you. You take our best and worse qualities and make them yours. And you are absolutly perfect. In every way possible.
I love you peanut more then anything in this world. Happy 6 Months!!
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